
This 8-hour course is designed to give participants an in-depth understanding of permit-required, confined space entry procedures. The course will cover safety requirements and recommendations, as well as the permit systems for permit-required, confined-space entry contained in the new standard 29 CFR 1910.146. It will also cover the roles and responsibilities of confined space duties including; Entrant, Attendant, Entry Supervisor, and Rescue personnel.

Course Topics
  • Defining and classifying Confined Spaces vs. Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  • Hazard and Risk Assessment for Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  • Monitoring for Hazardous Atmospheres
  • Safe Work Practices for Preparing and Entering Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  • Confined Space Entry Permits and Permit System
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Rescue Equipment and Procedures
  • Proper Use of Ropes and Knot Tying
Who Should Attend

Individuals who enter or may be called upon to enter permit-required confined spaces in the course of their normal duties should attend. The course will cover regulations and recommendations for permit-required confined space entry. The program targets all personnel who work in or around permit-required confined spaces and covers key aspects of confined space work. The program addresses three of the four levels of training required in 29 CFR 1910.146. The fourth required level, “Rescue” requires First Aid and CPR training, which are not included in this course.

Field Exercises

Using knowledge gained in the classroom and the equipment which is provided, participants will:

  • Perform Hazard and Risk Assessment on Confined Spaces
  • Complete Appropriate Documentation for Permit-Required Confined Space Entry and Work
  • Select the Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment for Permit-Required Confined Space Entry
  • Enter, Perform Safe Operations, and Exit a Permit-Required Confined Space
  • Implement Emergency Procedures and Confined-Space Rescue
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